Mind - Body Therapies
Balance the mind, balance the body. Our bodies are a physical representation of what is within. When we are out of balance internally we are out of balance externally. Sometimes just a simple shift can make the biggest difference. In addition to Massage and Energy Work we offer Access Consciousness - BARS and will soon be offering Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions for personal growth and well-being.
Access Consciousness - BARS
Just as with accupuncture, accupressure and meridian work such as Shiatsu and Reiki we know that certain energetic pathways and points on the body are directly linked to our health and well-being. By accessing these points individually or in set group patterns we can initiate a positive shift emotionally and spiritually. Since disease in the body is dis-ease in the psyche a positive shift within the bodily system is not unheard of. Working with 32 specific points on the head using gentle pressure and static touch we help you reset and release that which may be holding you back while facilitating positive change so you may move forward and embrace life in your best possible way. To learn more about Access Consciousness and the BARS process go to www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/accessbars/